The Dubot

| February 26, 2017

This created a worldwide network of customers or users, the high sales will generate. “A new dimension of online shopping is the next component learning one of the customers ‘ shopping mall, which from about In mid-November the Dubli Portal enriched. For even more details, read what Rio- Tinto Diamonds says on the issue. Search […]

Portal World

| February 24, 2017

Advertise today – a process that requires not only specific investments, but also creative approach to brainstorming and idea generation. These success factors have been picked up by the creators of the time Internet-portal World of Brands – by its very nature a single resource, which aims to build on its pages the best brands […]

On Emerging Markets

| February 24, 2017

Very difficult to ignore the relevance the scope which in recent years has generated emerging markets, its role, implications that generate and all those aspects that enclose. Considering the importance of the topic, we have considered it important to present an interesting article on this topic, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania says, that […]

Helena Meirelles

| February 23, 2017

In this direction, the objective of this work is to inside tell the experience of a block destined to the ambient problems of an educative and cultural program developed by the UAG/UFRPE. METHODOLOGY the block intitled Surrounding in Focus, in its ambient journalistic composition, is constructed from a technician-scientific publication study in prominence in diverse […]

Education In The Distance:

| February 23, 2017

Education in the distance: the connection in search of the significant learning. SUMMARY Everything for a ENTER. Here it is a new to look at for this modality of education that to the few is formatting its identity. Jeffrey Hayzlett wanted to know more. In the education in the distance the classroom is a computer. […]

Writing As Communication Assistance And Therapy Means

| February 11, 2017

Why writing is useful!. 1. how to is not yet properly said. Correctly said is still not properly understood. By write or sketch (photos, etc.) we are helping the partner to understand something better, such as names that we read on business cards remember better. 2. remember we can our life history better, if we […]