Ecological Vision

Posted By on June 19, 2017

It has a retrocession of paradigms that had dominated the civilizaoocidental for some hundreds of years, a domain that finished if extending parao remaining it world. They are ideas and values daily pay-fomatados, according to 3 CAPRA, umaviso composed mechanics of elementary blocks of construction as of the corpohumano as a machine, the life in society as competitive fight pelaexistncia, the crendice in the limitless material progress reached by half economic and technological docrescimento, the woman classifies as being inferior they aohomem, among others assumptions that to the few are being left of side porfalta of more necessary and scientifically reasonable recitals. However it is necessary to emphasize that it has a distinction entre’ ‘ holstico’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ecolgico’ ‘ as in teaches to 4 CAPRA to them, holistic opensamento conceives the world as a whole integrated instead of umacoleo of dissociadas parts, already in deep the ecological vision, it recognizes basic ainterdependncia of all the phenomena leading to believe that enquantoindivduos e, part of a society, we are all incased in the processes cclicosda nature, culminating in a dependence of these processes. Being this ltimaviso the one that more identifies to the new paradigms contemporaries. The philosophical school that uses the term ‘ ‘ ecolgico’ ‘ was initiated for the Norwegian philosopher 5 Arne NAESS, at the beginning of the decade of 70, that ‘ created a distinction between the terms; ‘ ecology rasa’ ‘ e’ ‘ ecology profunda’ ‘ , much used in the present time for distinguiros ambientalistas thoughts contemporaries. The flat ecology is for naturezaantropocntrica, glimpsing the men above or is of the nature, as being afonte of all the values, attributing to the nature a simplesmenteinstrumental value, already the deep ecology, does not see the human beings separate of the meionatural, for the opposite, is all the beings livings creature, independently I degnerate or species, connected in the teia of the life..

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