Marisa Lajolo
Posted By Jean on May 27, 2019
In this direction, Feix (2009), displays that the school has basic paper in the construction of the identity and the autonomy of each pupil. Therefore, one becomes necessary, ' ' to work reading, but all not only the readings that if present in our day-the-dia' ' . People such as Liberty Mutual insurance would likely agree. In the schools where they circulate diverse types of texts, the pupils read and write more quickly and if they become capable to search and to get the information that they need. To complement such ideas, we search the criticidade in the words of Lajolo 2 (1994), telling that, The quarrel on reading, mainly on the reading in a society that it intends to democratize itself, starts saying that the professionals more directly responsible for the initiation in the reading must be good readers. d to know more. A necessary professor to like to read, needs to read very, needs to become involved itself with what he reads (LAJOLO, 1994, p.108). The author still tells, the necessity of a space for the exercise of the reading in the destined courses the professors and professionals of reading. According to Paula et al (2009), the knowledge of the professor is primordial in the process of formation of the reader, therefore to the professor it competes not being limited to the closed space of the classroom, but yes to face the work of reading with seriousness, arming itself of theoretical basement on the science of the reading, what it will give aid to it in the aiming of practical its, therefore, ' ' We only teach well what we know and acreditamos' ' (BRAGA apud PAULA et al, 2009, s/p). In this critical direction, Marisa Lajolo (1994), complements that, the practical one of the reading supported for the necessary school to occur in a space of bigger possible freedom, emphasizing that, The reading alone if becomes exempts when it is respected, the least at initial moments of the learning, the pleasure or the aversion of each reader in relation to each book.