Slate Material

Posted By on June 15, 2016

Slate – a natural roofing material. The service life of oil shale more than one hundred and fifty years. In Germany, there are covered with slate roofs which are more than two hundred years. Slate is made by splitting the rock mined in the quarry by the explosion. Block of rock split by a plate of thickness 5.8 mm. After that betray a certain shape and size. In nature, the most common color of slate – it's gray, rarer burgundy-red and komyshevo-green color. Main priemuzhestva slate as a roofing material, compared with the rest: – long life – plain linear dimensions, as the temperature – no chemical reaction with atmospheric emissions and pollutants.

The only disadvantage is – this is the price. This roofing material compared to the other – expensive. Since in the process of its production uses a lot of manual labor. To summarize. Slate expensive roofing material, reliably protecting the roof from any manifestation of nature, suitable for older buildings or buildings styled for "antique".

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