Marisa Lajolo

| May 27, 2019

In this direction, Feix (2009), displays that the school has basic paper in the construction of the identity and the autonomy of each pupil. Therefore, one becomes necessary, ' ' to work reading, but all not only the readings that if present in our day-the-dia' ' . People such as Liberty Mutual insurance would likely […]


| October 18, 2018

Since century XX the sanguineous transfusions come being perfected so that it has improvement in the attendance of the patients. To become fullfilled a sanguineous transfusion, it is necessary previously to know the sanguineous type so that it does not have incompatibility. One becomes, therefore necessary the knowledge of the sanguineous tipagem and Rh factor […]

Lavoisier Reaction

| September 23, 2015

Law of Lavoisier. Didactic game: To revise the contents and to really confirm if lessons had been of great value for the group, since our evaluation is a process continues. Hunting words DESCRIPTION OF the DIDACTIC GAME. HUNTING? WORDS WAY TO PLAY will be formed 05 (five) groups where the team that to find first […]