Sturdy Wooden Sledges: Original Decoration Idea, Clever Merchandising

| January 24, 2018

Decoration specialist Worner about smart merchandising Heilbronn/Leingarten, October 30, 2013: usually met real sled in the snow-covered landscape, with cheerful children or adults at the sledding. But the variations of sled made of wood are suitable not only as sports equipment. Now slide in shop Windows and salesrooms have succeeded, as exclusive decorative object or […]

Oberhausen Tel Successor

| June 24, 2017

The SME consultation Untersberg from Oberhausen informed are entrepreneurs who have successfully built a factory, sooner or later the problem is to find a suitable successor. While it depends on early and carefully select the appropriate successor for the take over. The consultant Ursula Unterberg Wegener from Oberhausen explained what criteria a company successor should […]