Venezuela Project

| September 9, 2018

To manage the understanding: Venezuela, project Tedulo country Lopez Melndez Elections to create voters instead of citizens. Representation to create representatives instead of consultation instruments. Maneuvers of being able to prevent common decision on the great subjects. The old democracy walks gasping and I show totalitarian crumbles. We speak on a reality, not on the […]

National Park

| August 31, 2017

Athens is a visit forced for the lovers of the classic Antiquity. The travellers eager to reconstruct the adventures described by Homero in the Odyssey and the Iliad, usually take a break in the way to admire the ruins of the Partenn and to visit the Greek capital. The expert ones on the global heating […]

Web Announcements

| October 9, 2016

To make money by Internet with Google AdSense is one of the fastest forms and effective than it exists at present working from your house while you sleep the 24 hours of the day. AdSense introduction In the World 70% of the community of marketing in familiarized Internet this with Google AdSense. This System of […]