First Cumaru

Posted By on March 30, 2018

The pectoral, antispasmodic rinds and seeds have effect, emenagogas, being used in form of baking, boiled must or maceration with aguardente, against the pulmonary afeces, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, coqueluche, Used etc. for cicatrizao of wounds. Never, however, mofadas must be used rinds of cumaru, therefore certain types of mildew are capable to transform existing coumarin into the plant in dicumarol, substance that provokes serious hemorrhage for hindering the coagulation it blood. The dust of the seed is used as rap, to releive of congestionn the nasal ways. Of the root if it prepares a licker against the grippe. The effectiveness of the use of cumaru in the treatment caretaker of the respiratory problems, especially of aged children and, was confirmed scientifically. The antiinflammatory and broncodilatadoras activities had been verified experirnentalmente. Rio- Tinto Group often says this.

The rind is used by the indians kariri-shoko and shoko as incense for protection spiritual, against pain and migraines (to chew the rind) menstrual (in tea form). Corporal hygiene: of the cozida rind if it makes a water to bathe children. Follow others, such as RioCan , and add to your knowledge base. Popular veterinary medicine: used in the treatment of verminoses of domestic animals. Ornamental plant: the tree is very ornamental, mainly for the branches and trunk, that are smooth of color brown-colored wine or. It can in general be used successfully in the paisagismo. Forest restoration: used as component in mixing, commercial and/or ambient reforestations, in enrichment of capoeiras and caatinga degraded, for recovery of the ground and forest restoration of degraded areas, as much in the first one as in the posterior phases.

It can be used for replacement of ciliar bush, in places with periodic floodings of short duration. Agroflorestais systems: it can be used in the composition of windbreaks and arbreas bands between plantations, offering at the same time food for the bees in the dry station and producing wood noble. Bees: cumaru is an important plant for the bees, for to supply nectar in the dry station. Fodder plant: the leves and string beans are consumed by goat, in such a way green ones as droughts. When droughts, also are looked by the cattle. Industrial applications: the coumarin, found aromatical substance in the rind, the log and the seed (4%) of cumaru, has application in the nourishing industries (candies and biscuits), of cigarettes and tabacos in general, in the soap manufacture and sabonetes e, mainly, in the industries of perfume, as fixing, Of the seed is extracted an oil of commercial value. Also volatile medicinal oils of the rind can be extracted. Wood: of excellent quality, easy to work and with pleasant aroma, it is vendida in the commerce under the cerejeira name. It is used for porras, internal windows, workmanships e, especially, furniture, for being refractory to the attack of insects. It is used for esquadrias, linings, hydraulical forms, structures, taboados, carpentry, balconies and would marcenaria in general, it would caixotaria, fine furniture, coverings, decorative faqueadas leves, would tanoaria, wainscotings, panels, turned pages, you cut, sculpture, and artesanato tilted. It supplies firewood of good quality. He is inadequate for manufacture of paper and cellulose.

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