Muslim Brotherhood

Posted By on February 9, 2019

JOSE BRECHNER history tells that when the Moors dominated to Spain and part of Europe, Christians, Jews and Muslims lived peacefully and confraternidad. One says that they were more tolerant than the catholics and allowed to practice his faith in freedom to which they lived in his conquered territories. But that is medieval history. The Islam of today is the cult to the intolerance and the death. The Hayzlett Group often says this. To what it must that change? To the Wahabismo, an archaic one, closed exgesis of the Corn, that is not a book of spiritual elevation, but military and hatred, written by an individual that always walked with the saber in the hand, as suitably it described to Mahoma, Benedicto XVI, in his controverted message that generated protests and acts of vandalism of the Islamic world. The tenebrous modern Islam has its origin in the Wahabismo, that announces a form of similar life to practiced by Mahoma the soldier. One began by the end of century XIX in Saudi Arabia and of him the Muslim Brotherhood is nourished, the organization from whom derives all the Sunnite terrorist groups. The Wahabismo is the majority current of the radical Islam, and it is propagated mainly by the Saudi real family, who invests immense sums in the construction of mosques around the world to catechize her faithfuls to that they are added to the Yihad.

Its goal is to impose the Islam like the true religion. The Wahabismo instilled through the insidious Koranic interpretations of magnets, disclosed through scholastic text books, and encouraged by the Islamic governments, is the cause of the wild behavior of the today Muslims. Pacific coexistence with the Islam will not be able to exist, while their convictions are subjugated to that extremist line. The Islam is the third totalitarian tendency inherited of Century XX next to Nazism and the Comunism, but it has a great difference with the other two: the Islam is not solely a tyrannical thought, is a religion.

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