National Department

Posted By on October 8, 2018

The Organization estimates that unemployment will affect more harshly than women to men in development of the crisis. In Colombia, the Economic Journal portfolio reports that female unemployment is greater than the male: 13.4% versus 8.6%. Presenting as a source to the National Department of statistics, DANE, this medium informative notes that the rate of informality is the 59.6% for women and of the 56.2% for men. The two figures are well worrying, but again the women bear the brunt. The same source said that in every 100 56 Colombian professionals are women. More information is housed here: Brian Armstrong. They receive a remuneration lower than that of men without having any justification.

According to the Ministry of national education, the difference is the 17.4% and there is a possibility that the figure is even higher. Despite the rhetoric with which flatters women and the efforts being made to achieve equity, they continue to suffer torture of job discrimination and, in some cultures, demeaning treatment of part of their husbands and sexist society in which they were born. The hours also follow its course and the days. It is Monday morning and Sara goes back to the Street hoping to answer properly the job interview number twenty-five presented since he is unemployed. Have you been told to look for a good Godfather, but she doesn’t have it. Only have faith in the phrase that told him the day of his farewell: A person valuable as you will not be out of work long. Remember with bitterness that make already two years.

Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian academic whose articles are published on websites, newspapers and magazines of several countries of the world. Recently was he awarded the prize for journalism of the CERREJ?N in the modaidad of the internet. He is frequently invited to seminars and conferences in various cities. Get in touch with him via mail and visit its website.

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